Born out of a love of friendship, Community, and great beer!
Alex & Tori Griffin are high school sweethearts from Carrollton. We have always lived here in Carrollton/Carroll County. We have three beautiful children, that attend Carrollton City Schools. Alex is a general contractor; Arbor Design Group is his family’s business and they have enjoyed building beautiful homes for our community for the last 30 years. Tori is a Jill of all trades and in the past specialized in marketing and events. Now she is the Chief of Hoperations for Local Ties Brewing Company.

Local Ties Brewing Company is a family owned and operated taproom focused microbrewery. Our goal is to create an environment where friends and family can gather, enjoy unique craft beer, and make memories.
Local Ties Brewing Company opened in Carrollton, GA in July of 2022. We look forward to seeing and serving you on your next visit!

Justin Schellhorn is our Chief of Brewing Operations and the creator of all the delicious creations of Local Ties Brewing Company. He is a long-time home brewer with a previous background in IT.
Justin and Alex became friends in middle school and since then have enjoyed years of friendship, learning the ins and outs of craft beers, and creating their own.